Clinical Neurophysiology
Welcome to
The Section of Clinical Neurophysiology (3/5th Lab),
Department of Neurology,
Kyoto University Hospital and Graduate School of Medicine!
Our main goal is to solve so-called “clinical questions”, which have been raised in the daily clinical activity, and have remained unsolved yet. KEY WORDS 1) Pathogenesis of intractable epilepsy and its treatment |
1)Pathogenesis of intractable epilepsy and its treatment To delineate the extent and the degree of epileptogenicity in human intractable epilepsy, broad-band EEG analysis (ictal DC shifts and high frequency analysis in subdural EEG recording) (Fig. 1), a combined scalp EEG and functional MRI analysis are investigated. Seizure control was investigated by trancranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), low frequency cortical electric stimulation and neurofeedback method of DC potentials, all as the interventional neurophysiology. |
Fig.1 Ictal broad-band EEG: Direct comparison between slow activity (ictal slow shift) and high frequency activity (HFO: high frequency oscillation) at the epileptic focus (D1 electrode). Ictal slow shift occurred earlier than ictal HFO. |
2)Central control mechanism of higher cortical functions / network and its pahophysiology Central motor control mechanism (simple movements, praxis, reaching, negative motor phenomena) by means of Bereitschaftspotential was extensively conducted so far, and the function of each motor cortices (supplementary motor area proper, pre-suppmenetary motor area, negative motor area, primary motor area and posterior parietal cortex) was investigated. Functional connectivity among those areas was also delineated by CCEPs and diffusion fiber tractography. |
Fig.2 Standardized CCEP connectivity map in the MNI space. |
3) Pathogenesis of movement disorders and its treatment BAFME(benign adult onset familial myoclonus epilepsy) has been investigated by our group since the first description of the pathomechanism in 1990 as cortical tremor. It is progressive and showed clinical anticipation. Nationwide surveys are conducted. Similarly, progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME) syndrome, i.e.,Unverricht-Lundborg disease, is extensively investigated especially from the view point of genotype-phenotype correlation. |
Current lab members:![]() Akio Ikeda, M.D., Ph.D. email: akio¥ Riki Matsumoto, M.D., Ph.D. email: matsumot¥ Akihiro Shimotake, M.D. Takeshi Inoue, M.D. Katsuya Kobayashi, M.D. (change ¥ to @ for email) ![]() Bayasgalan Borgil, M.D. Takeyo Sakurai, M.D. Makiko Ota, M.D. Kei Sato, M.D. Hirofumi Takeyama, M.D. Masako Daifu, M.D. Junpei Togawa, M.D. Tomohiko Murai, M.D. Kenji Yoshinaga, M.D. Mitsuyoshi Nakatani, M.D. Mitsuhiro Sakamoto, M.D. Kosuke Tanioka, M.D. Kazuaki Sato, M.D. Masaya Toogo, M.D. Shuichiro Nashige, M.D. Shamina Sultana ![]() Miki Watanabe ![]() Takefumi Hitomi, M.D., Ph.D. email: hitomi46\ (Clinical Laboratory) Morioo Inouch, M.D., Ph.D (Department of Respiratory care and Sleep control medicine) Address correspondence: |
References: Selected manuscripts Ikeda A, Lu¨ders HO, Burgess RC, Shibasaki H: Movement-related potentials recorded from supplementary motor area and primary motor area: role of supplementary motor area in voluntary movements. Brain 115: 1017-1043, 1992 Ikeda A, Taki W, Kunieda T, Terada K, Mikuni N, Nagamine T, Yazawa S, Ohara S, Hori T, Kaji R, Kimura J, Shibasaki H: Focal ictal DC shifts in human epilepsy as studied by subdural and scalp recording. Brain 122: 827-838, 1999 Matsumoto R, Nair DR, LaPresto E, Najm I, Bingaman W, Shibasaki H, Lu¨ders HO: Functional connectivity in the human language system: a cortico-cortical evoked potential study. Brain 127: 2316-30, 2004 Matsumoto R, Kinoshita M, Taki J, Hitomi T, Mikuni N, Shibasaki H, Fukuyama H, Ikeda A: In vivo epileptogenicity of focal cortical dysplasia: a direct cortical paired stimulation study. Epilepsia 46: 1744-1749, 2005 Imamura H, Matsumoto R, Inouchi M, Matsuhashi M, Mikuni N, Takahashi R, Ikeda A: Ictal Wideband ECoG: direct comparison between ictal slow shifts and high frequency oscillations. Clin Neurophysiol 122: 1500-1504, 2011 Hitomi T, Ikeda A, Kondo T, Imamura H, Inouchi M, Matsumoto R, Terada K, Kanda M, Matsuhashi M, Nagamine T, Shibasaki H, Takahashi R: Increased cortical hyperexcitability and exaggerated myoclonus with aging in benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy. Mov Disord 26: 1509-14, 2011 |
Publication list (2005-2016)
2016 Usami K, Matsumoto R, Sawamoto N, Murakami H, Inouchi M, Fumuro T, Shimotake A, Kato T, Mima T, Shirozu H, Masuda H, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Kameyama S, Ikeda A. Epileptic network of hypothalamic hamartoma: An EEG-fMRI study. Epilepsy Res. 2016;125:1-9. Chen Y, Shimotake A, Matsumoto R, Kunieda T, Kikuchi T, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A, Lambon Ralph MA. The ‘when’ and ‘where’ of semantic coding in the anterior temporal lobe: temporal representational similarity analysis of electrocorticogram data. Cortex. 2016;79:1-13. Imamura H, Matsumoto R, Takaya S, Nakagawa T, Shimotake A, Kikuchi T, Sawamoto N, Kunieda T, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Network specific change in white matter integrity in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Res. 2016;120:65-72. Ito S, Yano I, Hashi S, Tsuda M, Sugimoto M, Yonezawa A, Ikeda A, Matsubara K. Population Pharamacokinetic Modeling of Levetiracetam in Pediatric and Adult Patients With Epilepsy by Using Routinely Monitored Data. Ther Drug Monit. 2016;38:371-8. Yamao Y, Kunieda K, Matsumoto R. Reply to commentary on “neural correlates of mirth and laughter: a direct electrical cortical stimulation study”. Cortex. 2016;75:244-6. Hitomi T, Kobayashi K, Sakurai T, Ueda S, Jingami N, Kanazawa K, Matsumoto R, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy is a progressive disorder: no longer idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2016;18:67-72. Neshige S, Kobayashi K, Shimotake A, Iemura T, Matsumoto R, Nishinaka K, Matsumoto M, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. An elderly woman with exaggerated startle reflex and unconscious drop attack. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience. 2016, in press. Uneno Y, Yokoyama A, Nishikawa Y, Funakoshi T, Ozaki Y, Aoyama I, Yamaguchi D, Morita S, Mori Y, Kanai M, Kinoshita H, Inoue T, Sawamoto N, Matsumoto R, Matsumoto S, Muto M. Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis in human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-positive gastric cancer patient treated with trastuzumab-combined chemotherapy: case report and literature review. Internal Medicine. 2016, in press. Fukuma K, Ihara M, Miyashita K, Motoyama R, Tanaka T, Kajimoto K, Ikeda A, Nagatsuka K. Right parietal source in Mahjong-induced seizure: a system epilepsy of focal origin. Clinical Case Reports. 2016, in press. Phantom of oscillation: Operational definition bound to improve. Kinoshita M, Ikeda A. Clin Neurophysiol. 2016;127:8-9. |
2015 Ritaccio A, Matsumoto R, Morrell M, Kamada K, Koubeissi M, Poeppel D, Lachaux JP, Yanagisawa Y, Hirata M, Guger C, Schalk G. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography. Epilepsy Behav. 2015;51:312-20. Ikeda A. Commentary: We shall not lose past medical documents. Epilepsia. 2015;56:1712-3. Usami K, Matsumoto R, Kobayashi K, Hitomi T, Shimotake A, Kikuchi T, Matsuhashi M, Kunieda T, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Sleep modulates cortical connectivity and excitability in humans: Direct evidence from neural activity induced by single-pulse electrical stimulation. Hum Brain Mapp. 2015;36:4714-29. Yamao Y, Matsumoto R, Kunieda K, Arakawa Y, Kikuchi T, Shibata S, Ikeda A, Fukuyama H, Miyamoto S. A possible variant of negative motor seizure arising from the supplementary negative motor area. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015;134:126-9. Shimotake A, Matsumoto R, Ueno T, Kunieda T, Saito S, Hoffman P, Kikuchi T, Fukuyama H, Miyamoto S, Takahashi R, Ikeda A, Lambon Ralph MA. Direct Exploration of the Role of the Ventral Anterior Temporal Lobe in Semantic Memory: Cortical Stimulation and Local Field Potential Evidence From Subdural Grid Electrodes. Cereb Cortex. 2015;25:3802-17. Yamao Y, Matsumoto R, Kunieda T, Shibata S, Shimotake A, Kikuchi T, Satow T, Mikuni N, Fukuyama H, Ikeda A, Miyamoto S. Neural correlates of mirth and laughter: a direct electrical cortical stimulation study. Cortex. 2015;66:134-40. Kobayashi K, Matsumoto R, Matsuhashi M, Usami K, Shimotake A, Kunieda T, Kikuchi T, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Different Mode of Afferents Determines the Frequency Range of High Frequency Activities in the Human Brain: Direct Electrocorticographic Comparison between Peripheral Nerve and Direct Cortical Stimulation. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0130461. Inoue Y, Yagi K, Ikeda A, Sasagawa M, Ishida S, Suzuki A, Yoshida K, and Japan Levetiracetam N01221 Study Group. Efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam as adjunctive therapy in Japanese patients with uncontrolled partial- onset seizures. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2015;69:640-8. Fumuro T, Matsumoto R, Shimotake A, Matsuhashi M, Inouchi M, Urayama S, Sawamoto N, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Network hyperexcitability in a patient with partial reading epilepsy: Converging evidence from magnetoencephalography, diffusion tractography, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Clin Neurophysiol. 2015;126: 675-81. Shibata S, Kunieda T, Inano R, Sawada M, Yamao Y, Kikuchi T, Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Takahashi R, Mikuni N, Takahashi J, Miyamoto S. Risk factors for infective complications with long term subdural electrode implantation in patients with medically intractable partial epilepsy. World Neurosurg. 2015;84:320-6. Hashi S, Yano I, Shibata M, Masuda S, Kinoshita M, Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Takahashi R, Matsubara K. Effect of CYP2C19 polymorphisms on the clinical outcome of low-dose clobazam therapy in Japanese patients with epilepsy. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2015;71:47-59. Kunieda T, Yamao Y, Kikuchi T, Matsumoto R. New Approach for Exploring Cerebral Functional Connectivity: Review of CCEP (Cortico-cortical evoked potential). Neurol Med Chir. 2015;55:374-82. Matsumoto R, Mikuni N, Tanaka K, Usami K, Fukao K, Kunieda T, Takahashi Y, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Possible induction of multiple seizure foci due to parietal tumour and anti-NMDAR antibody. Epileptic Disord. 2015;17:89-94. Fumuro T, Matsuhashi M, Miyazaki T, Inouchi M, Hitomi T, Matsumoto R, Takahashi R, Fukuyama H, Ikeda A. Alpha- band desynchronization in human parietal area during reach planning. Clin Neurophysiol. 2015;126:756-62. Kanazawa K, Matsumoto R, Imamura H, Matsuhashi M, Kikuchi T, Kunieda T, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Intracranially recorded ictal direct current shifts may precede high frequency oscillations in human epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol. 2015;126:47-59. Ota M, Shimizu T, Yoshida H, Kawata A, Kinoshita M, Nakano S, Isozaki E, Matsubara S. Clinical features and therapeutic responses of idiopathic orbital myositis. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience. 2015;3:63-7. |
2014 Inano R, Oishi N, Kunieda T, Arakawa Y, Yamao Y, Shibata S, Kikuchi T, Fukuyama H, Miyamoto S. Voxel-based clustered imaging by multi parameter diffusion tensor images for glioma grading. Neuroimage Clin. 2014; 5: 396-407. Kanazawa K, Matsumoto R, Shimotake A, Kinoshita M, Otsuka A, Watanabe O, Tanaka K, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Persistent frequent subclinical seizures and memory impairment after clinical remission in smoldering limbic encephalitis. Epileptic Disord. 2014;16:312-7. Kobayashi K, Hitomi T, Matsumoto R, Kondo T, Kawamata J, Matsuhashi M, Hashimoto S, Ikeda H, Koide Y, Inoue Y, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Long-term follow-up of cortical hyperexcitability in Japanese Unverricht-Lundborg disease. Seizure. 2014;23:746-50. Takeuchi Y, Arakawa Y, Mikami Y, Matsumoto R, Miyamoto S. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor with rapid recurrence of pilocytic astrocytoma component. Brain Tumor Pathol. 2014;31:144-8. Yamao Y, Matsumoto R, Kunieda T, Arakawa Y, Kobayashi K, Usami K, Shibata S, Kikuchi T, Sawamoto N, Mikuni N, Ikeda A, Fukuyama H, Miyamoto S. Intraoperative dorsal language network mapping by using single-pulse electrical stimulation. Hum Brain Mapp. 2014;35:4345-61. Fumoto N, Mashimo T, Masui A, Ishida S, Mizuguchi Y, Minamimoto S, Ikeda A, Takahashi R, Serikawa T, Ohno Y. Evaluation of seizure foci and genes in the Lgi1L385R/+ mutant rat. Neuroscience Research. 2014;80:69-75. Jingami N, Matsumoto R, Ito H, Ishii A, Ihara Y, Hirose S, Ikeda A, Takahashi R. A novel SCN1A mutation in a cytoplasmic loop in intractable juvenile myoclonic epilepsy without febrile seizures. Epileptic Disord. 2014;16:227-31. Murai T, Tohyama T, Kinoshita M. Recurrent diarrhea as a manifestation of temporal lobe epilepsy case report. Epilepsy & behavior Case Report. 2014;2:57-9. Takaya S, Ikeda A, Mitsueda-Ono T, Matsumoto R, Inouchi M, Namiki C, Oishi N, Mikuni N, Ishizu K, Takahashi R, Fukuyama H. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with Amygdala Enlargement: A Morphologic and Functional Study. J Neuroimaging. 2014;24:54-62. Wang B, Wang X, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Shibasaki H, Nakamura M. Automatic reference selection for quantitative EEG interpretation: Identification of diffuse/localised activity and the active earlobe reference, iterative detection of the distribution of EEG rhythms. Med Eng Phys. 2014;36:88-95. Hitomi T, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Recent advance in research of benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy (BAFME): is BAFME a progressive disorder?. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2014;54:1142-5. Japanese. Tojima M, Hitomi T, Jingami N, Tanioka K, Yamakado H, Matsumoto R, Takahashi Y, Ikeda A, Takahashi R. Two cases of acute onset of focal cortical reflex myoclonus following acute aseptic meningoencephalitis with positive anti-glutamate receptor autoantibody. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2014;54:543-9. Japanese. Lu¨ders H, Amina S, Bailey C, Baumgartner C, Benbadis S, Bermeo A, Carreno M, Devereaux M, Diehl B, Eccher M, Edwards J, Fastenau P, Fernandez Baca-Vaca G, Godoy J, Hamer H, Hong SB, Ikeda A, Kahane P, Kaiboriboon K, Kalamangalam G, Lardizabal D, Lhatoo S, Lu¨ders J, Mani J, Mayor C, Mesa Latorre T, Miller J, Morris HH, Noachtar S, O’Donovan C, Park J, Perez-Jimenez MA, Rona S, Rosenow F, Shahid A, Schuele S, Skidmore C, Steinhoff B, Szabo´ CA´, Sweet J, Tandon N, Tanner A, Tsuji S. Proposal: different types of alteration and loss of consciousness in epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2014;55:1140-4. Inoue T, Matsumoto R, Ikeda A. Treatment of epilepsy in patients of adolescence and adulthood. Nihon Rinsho. 2014;72:853-8. Japanese. Shibasaki H, Nakamura M, Sugi T, Nishida S, Nagamine T, Ikeda A. Automatic interpretation and writing report of the adult waking electroencephalogram. Clin Neurophysiol. 2014;125:1081-94. |
2013 Araki Y, Minakawa EN, Ono M, Matsumoto R, Kinoshita M. Topiramate add-on therapy for adult patients with refractory epilepsy in Japan. Epilepsy and Seizure. 2013;6:10-18. Enatsu R, Matsumoto R, Piao Z, O’Connor T, Horning K, Burgess RC, Bulacio J, Bingaman W, Nair DR. Cortical negative motor network in comparison with sensorimotor network: A cortico-cortical evoked potential study. Cortex. 2013;49:2080-96. Hitomi T, Kobayashi K, Jingami N, Nakagawa T, Imamura H, Matsumoto R, Kondo T, Chin K, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Increased clinical anticipation with maternal transmission in benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy in Japan. Epileptic Disorders. 2013;15:428-32. Inouchi M, Matsumoto R, Taki J, Kikuchi T, Mitsueda-Ono T, Mikuni N, Wheaton L, Hallett M, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Role of posterior parietal cortex in reaching movements in humans: Clinical implication for ‘optic ataxia’. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013;124:2230-41. Kunieda T, Mikuni N, Shibata S, Inano R, Yamao Y, Kikuchi T, Matsumoto R, Takahashi J, Ikeda A, Fukuyama H, Miyamoto S. Long-term seizure outcome following resective surgery for epilepsy: To be or not to be completely cured? Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2013;53:805-13. Mitsueda-Ono T, Ikeda A, Sawamoto N, Aso T, Hanakawa T, Kinoshita M, Matsumoto R, Mikuni N, Amano S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R. Internal structural changes in the hippocampus observed on 3-Tesla MRI in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Internal Medicine. 2013;52:877-85. Morimoto E, Kanagaki M, Okada T, Yamamoto A, Mori N, Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Mikuni N, Kunieda T, Paul D, Miyamoto S, Takahashi R, Togashi K. Anterior temporal lobe white matter abnormal signal (ATLAS) as an indicator of seizure focus laterality in temporal lobe epilepsy: comparison of double inversion-recovery, FLAIR and T2W MR imaging. Eur Radiol. 2013;23:3-11. Morimoto E, Okada T, Kanagaki M, Yamamoto A, Fushimi Y, Matsumoto R, Takaya S, Ikeda A, Kunieda T, Kikuchi T, Paul D, Miyamoto S, Takahashi R, Togashi K. Evaluation of Focus Laterality in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Quantitative Study Comparing Double Inversion-Recovery MR Imaging at 3T with FDG-PET. Epilepsia. 2013;54:2174-83. Murahara T, Kinoshita M, Matsui M, Yamashita K, Ikeda A, Takahashi R. Prolonged ictal monoparesis with parietal PLEDs. Epileptic Disord. 2013;15:197-202. Takeuchi Y, Arakawa Y, Mikami Y, Matsumoto R, Miyamoto S. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor with rapid recurrence of pilocytic astrocytoma component. Brain Tumor Pathol. 2013;31:144-8. Usami K, Matsumoto R, Kunieda T, Shimotake A, Matsuhashi M, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Pre-SMA actively engages in conflict processing in human: A combined study of epicortical ERPs and direct cortical stimulation. Neuropsychologia. 2013;51:1011-7. Kinoshita M, Ikeda A. Paroxysmal symptoms in the elderly; epileptic seizures or not. Nihon Rinsho. 2013;71:1858-63. Japanese. Nakaoku Y, Maki T, Kanazawa K, Matsumoto R, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. A case of smoldering anti-leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 (LGI1) antibody-associated limbic encephalitis with faciobrachial dystonic seizure. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2013;53:706-11. Japanese. Yamao Y, Kunieda T, Kikuchi T, Matsuhashi M, Sawamoto N, Matsumoto R, Okada T, Miyamoto S, Ikeda A. Neuroimaging in epilepsy. Brain Nerve. 2013;65:573-81. Japanese. |
2012 Matsumoto R, Kunieda T, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Clinical epileptology and clinical system neuroscience: two sides of the same coin. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2012;52:1084-7. Japanese. Toma K, Taguchi K, Ikeda A, Nishinaka K, Udaka F, Kameyama M. The medial temporal area and parietal lobe are involved in epileptic polyopia and palinopsia: A case report. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2012;52:651-5. Japanese. Hitomi T, Oga T, Tsuboi T, Yoshimura C, Kato T, Ikeda A, Takahashi R, Chin K. Transient increase in epileptiform discharges after the introduction of nasal continuous positive airway pressure in a patient with obstructive sleep apnea and epilepsy. Intern Med. 2012;51:2453-6. Matsumoto R, Kunieda T, Ikeda A. In vivo investigation of human brain networks by using cortico-cortical evoked potentials. Brain Nerve. 2012;64:979-91. Japanese. Baulac S, Ishida S, Mashimo T, Boillot M, Fumoto N, Kuwamura M, Ohno Y, Takizawa A, Aoto T, Ueda M, Ikeda A, LeGuern E, Takahashi R, Serikawa T. A rat model for LGI1-related epilepsies. Hum Mol Genet. 2012;21:3546-57. Lu¨ders HO, Amina S, Baumgartner C, Benbadis S, Bermeo-Ovalle A, Devereaux M, Diehl B, Edwards J, Baca-Vaca GF, Hamer H, Ikeda A, Kaiboriboon K, Kellinghaus C, Koubeissi M, Lardizabal D, Lhatoo S, Lu¨ders J, Mani J, Mayor LC, Miller J, Noachtar S, Pestana E, Rosenow F, Sakamoto A, Shahid A, Steinhoff BJ, Syed T, Tanner A, Tsuji S. Modern technology calls for a modern approach to classification of epileptic seizures and the epilepsies. Epilepsia. 2012;53:405-11. Hitomi T, Kondo T, Kobayashi K, Matsumoto R, Takahashi R, Ikeda A. Clinical anticipation in Japanese families of benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2012;53:e33-6. Matsumoto R, Nair DR, Ikeda A, Fumuro T, Lapresto E, Mikuni N, Bingaman W, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R, Najm I, Shibasaki H, Lu¨ders HO. Parieto-frontal network in humans studied by cortico-cortical evoked potential. Hum Brain Mapp. 2012;33:2856-72. Kikuchi T, Matsumoto R, Mikuni N, Yokoyama Y, Matsumoto A, Ikeda A, Fukuyama H, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N. Asymmetric bilateral effect of the supplementary motor area proper in the human motor system. Clin Neurophysiol. 2012;123:324-34. Tanioka K, Nagao M, Yamamoto M, Matsumura Y, Tabu H, Matsushima A, Uemura K, Matsumoto R, Ito Y, Takakura S, Takahashi R, Ichiyama S. Disseminated Nocardia farcinica infection in a patient with myasthenia gravis successfully treated by linezolid: a case report and literature review. J Infect Chemother. 2012;18:390-4. |
2011 Azuma M, Ito I, Matsumoto R, Hirai T, Mishima M. Pulmonary hemorrhage induced by epileptic seizure. Heart and Lung: J Acute and Critical Care Epub, 2011 Hitomi T, Ikeda A, Inouchi M, Imamura H, Nakagawa T, Fumuro T, Matsumoto R, Takahashi R :Transient myoclonic state with asterixis: Primary motor cortex hyperexcitability is correlated with myoclonus. Intern Med 50: 2303-2309, 2011 Hitomi T, Ikeda A, Kondo T, Imamura H, Inouchi M, Matsumoto R, Terada K, Kanda M, Matsuhashi M, Nagamine T , Shibasaki H, Takahashi R: Increased cortical hyperexcitability and exaggerated myoclonus with aging in benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy. Mov Disord 26: 1509-1514, 2011 Imamura H, Matsumoto R, Inouchi M, Matsuhashi M, Mikuni N, Takahashi R, Ikeda A: Ictal wideband ECoG: Direct comparison between ictal slow shifts and high frequency oscillations. Clin Neurophysiol 122: 1500-1504, 2011 Ji Z, Sugi T, Goto S, Wang X, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Shibasaki H, Nakamura M. An automatic spike detection system based on elimination of false positives using the large-area context in the scalp EEG, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 58:2478-88, 2011 Kobayashi K, Matsumoto R, Kondo T, Kawamata J, Hitomi T, Inouchi M, Matsuhashi M, Takahashi R, Ikeda A: Decreased cortical excitability in Unverricht-Lundborg disease in the long-term follow-up: A consecutive SEP study. Clin Neurophysiol 122: 1617-1621, 2011 Matsumoto R, Imamura H, Inouchi M, Nakagawa T, Yokoyama Y, Matsuhashi M, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R and Ikeda A: Left anterior temporal cortex actively engages in speech perception: A direct cortical stimulation study. Neuropsychologia 49: 1350-1354, 2011 Matsumoto R, Nair DR, Ikeda A, Fumuro T, Lapresto E, Mikuni N, Bingaman W, Miyamoto S, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R , Najm I, Shibasaki H and Lu¨ders HO: Parieto-frontal network in humans studied by cortico-cortical evoked potential. Hum Brain Mapp. E-pub. doi: 10.1002/hbm.21407, 2011 Mitsueda-Ono T, Ikeda A, Inouchi M, Takaya S, Matsumoto R, Hanakawa T, Sawamoto N, Mikuni N, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R: Amygdalar enlargement in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 82: 652-657, 2011 Naito E, Matsumoto R, Hagura N, Oouchida Y, Tomimoto H, Hanakawa T: Importance of precentral motor regions in human kinesthesia: A single case study. Neurocase 17: 133-147, 2011 Tanioka K, Nagao M, Yamamoto M, Matsumura Y, Tabu H, Matsushima A, Uemura K, Matsumoto R, Ito Y, Takakura S, Takahashi R and Ichiyama S: Disseminated Nocardia farcinica infection in a patient with myasthenia gravis successfully treated by linezolid: a case report and literature review. J Infection and Chemotherapy:1-5, 2011 Zhang X, Wang X, Sugi T, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Shibasaki H, Nakamura M. Automatic interpretation of hyperventilation-induced electroencephalogram constructed in the way of qualified electroencephalographer’s visual inspection. Med Biol Eng Comput. 49:171-80, 2011 |
2010 Iwasaki M, Enatsu R, Matsumoto R, Novak E, Thankappen B, Piao Z, O’Connor R T, Horning K, Bingaman W, Nair D: Accentuated cortico-cortical evoked potentials in neocortical epilepsy in areas of ictal onset. Epileptic Disord 12: 292-302, 2010 Kawamata J, Ikeda A, Fujita Y, Usui K, Shimohama S, Takahashi R: Mutations in LGI1 gene in Japanese families with autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy: the first report from Asian families. Epilepsia 51: 690-3, 2010 Kinoshita M, Hitomi T, Matsuhashi M, Nakagawa T, Nagamine T, Sawada H, Shibasaki H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A: How does voluntary movement stop resting tremor? Clin Neurophysiol 121: 983-5, 2010 Maki T, Matsumoto R, Kohara N, Kondo T, Son I, Mezaki T, Nishino I, Ikeda A, Takahashi R: Rippling is not always electrically silent in rippling muscle disease: a case report. Muscle Nerve 43: 601-5, 2010 |
2009 Hanakawa T, Mima T, Matsumoto R, Abe M, Inouchi M, Urayama SI, Anami K, Honda M, Fukuyama H: Stimulus-response profile during single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation to the primary motor cortex. Cereb Cortex 19:2605-2615, 2009 Ikeda A, Hirasawa KI, Kinoshita M, Hitomi T, Matsumoto R, Mitsueda T, Taki JY, Inouch M, Mikuni N, Hori T , Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N, Shibasaki H and Takahashi R: Negative motor seizure arising from the negative motor area: Is it ictal apraxia? Epilepsia 50: 2072-2084, 2009 Iseki K, Ikeda A, Kihara T, Kawamoto Y, Mezaki T, Hanakawa T, Hashikawa K, Fukuyama, Shibasaki H: Impairment of the cortical GABAergic inhibitory system in catatonic stupor. A case report with neuroimaging. Epileptic Diord 11: 126-31, 2009 Minakawa EN, Matsumoto R, Kinoshita M. Topiramate induced agranulocytosis. BMJ Case Rep. 2009;2009. pii: bcr11.2008.1273. Epub 2009 Jun 5 Takaya S, Mikuni N, Mitsueda T, Satow T, Taki J, Kinoshita M, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N, Ikeda A, Fukuyama H: Improved cerebral function in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy after subtemporal amydgalohoppocampectomy. Brain 132: 185-194, 2009 Usui K, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Matsubayashi J, Matsumoto R, Hiraumi H, Kawamata J, Matsuhashi M, Takahashi R, Fukuyama H: Abnormal auditory cortex with giant N100m signal in patients with autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 120:1923-1926, 2009 Usui K, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Matsuhashi M, Kinoshita M, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Temporal dynamics of Japanese morphogram and syllabogram processing in the left basal temporal area studied by event-related potentials. J Clin Neurophysiolol 26: 160-166, 2009 |
2008 Enatsu R, Mikuni N, Usui K, Matsubayashi J, Taki J, Begum T, Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Fukuyama H and Hashimoto N : Usefulness of MEG magnetometer for spike detection in patients with mesial temporal epileptic focus. Neuroimage 41:1206-1219, 2008 Kinoshita M, Takahashi R, Ikeda A: Application of the 2001 diagnostic scheme and the 2006 ILAE report of seizure and epilepsy: a feedback from the clinical practice of adult epilepsy. Epileptic Disord 10: 206-12, 2008 Matsumoto R, Okada T, Mikuni N, Mitsueda-Ono T, Taki J, Sawamoto N, Hanakawa T, Miki Y, Hashimoto N, Fukuyama H , Takahashi R and Ikeda A: Hemispheric asymmetry of the arcuate fasciculus: A preliminary diffusion tensor tractography study in patients with unilateral language dominance defined by Wada test. J Neurol 255:1703-1711, 2008 |
2007 Hitomi T, Kaji R, Murase N, Kohara N, Mezaki T, Nodera H, Ikeda A, Shibasaki H: Dynamic change of proximal conduction in demyelinating neuropathies: a cervical magnetic stimulation combined with maximum voluntary contraction. Clin Neurophysiol 118: 741-750, 2007 Komori M, Tanaka M, Muramoto E, Ohno M, Matsumoto R, Murase N, Kitagawa N, Saida T. (2007): Mitoxantrone for the treatment of Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis. Clin Neurology 47: 401-406, 2007 Kinoshita M, Ikeda A, Begum T, Terada K, Shibasaki H: Efficacy of low-dose, add-on therapy of clobazam (CLB) is produced by its major metabolite, N-desmethyl-CLB. J Neurol Sci 263: 44-8, 2007 Matsumoto R, Nair DR, LaPresto E, Bingaman W, Shibasaki H, Lu¨ders HO: Functional connectivity in human cortical motor system: A cortico-cortical evoked potential study. Brain 130: 181-197, 2007 Mikuni N, Okada T, Taki J, Matsumoto R, Nishida N, Enatsu R, Hanakawa T, Ikeda A, Miki Y, Urayama S, Fukuyama H and Hashimoto N: Fibers from the dorsal premotor cortex elicit motor-evoked potential in a cortical dysplasia. Neuroimage 34:12-18, 2007 Mikuni N, Okada T, Nishida N, Taki J, Enatsu R, Ikeda A, Miki Y, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Comparison between motor evoked potential recording and fiber tracking for estimating pyramidal tracts near brain tumors. J Neurosurg 106:128-133, 2007 |
2006 Begum T, Ikeda A, Takahashi J, Tomimoto H, Shimohama S, Satow T, Nagamine T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Clinical outcome of patients with SREDA (Subclinical Rhythmic EEG Discharge of Adults). Intern Med 45:141-144, 2006 Begum T, Ikeda A, Yoshioka A, Sawada H, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Rapid recovery from coma with multifocal PLEDs in a patient with severe dementia. Intern Med 45; 141-144, 2006 Begum T, Ikeda A, Matsuhashi M, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N, Nagamine T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Ipsilateral facial sensory and motor response to basal fronoto-temporal cortical stimulation: evidence suggesting direct activation of cranial nerves. Epilepsy Res 71: 216-222, 2006 Hitomi T, Ikeda A, Matsumoto R, Kinoshita M, Taki J, Usui K, Mikuni N, Nagamine T, Hashimoto N, Shibasaki H and Takahashi R: Generators and temporal succession of giant somatosensory evoked potentials in cortical reflex myoclonus: Epicortical recording from sensorimotor cortex. Clin Neurophysiol 117: 1481-1486, 2006 Ikeda A, Matsui M, Hase Y, Hitomi T, Takahashi Y, Shibasaki H, Shimohama S: “Burst and slow complexes” in nonconvulsive, epileptic status. Epileptic Disord 8: 61-64, 2006 Kinoshita M, Ikeda A, Taki J, Usui K, Matsumoto R, Mikuni N, Takahashi JB, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N, Takahashi R: Heterogeneous epileptogenicity and cortical function within malformations of cortical development: A case report. J Neurol Sci 251:129-133, 2006 Lu¨ders HO, Acharya J, Alexopoulos A, Baumgartner C, Bautista J, Burgess R, Carreno M, Diehl B, Dinner D, Ebner A, Foldvary N, Godoy J, Hamer H, Ikeda A, Ka¨lle´n K, Kellinqhaus C, Kotaqal P, Lachhwani D, Loddenkemper T, Mani J, Matsumoto R, Mo¨ddel G, Nair D, Noachtar S, O’Donovan CA, Rona S, Rosenow F, Sshuele S, Szabo CA, Tandon N, Tanner A and Widdess-Walsh P: Are epilepsy classifications based on epileptic syndromes and seizure types outdated? Epileptic Disord 8: 81-85, 2006 Mikuni N, Ohara S, Ikeda A, Hayashi N, Nishida N, Taki J, Enatsu R, Matsumoto R, Shibasaki H, Hashimoto N: Evidence for a wide distribution of negative motor areas in the perirolandic cortex. Clin Neurophysiol 117: 33-40, 2006 Nakagawa Y, Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Mikuni N, Matsuhashi M, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Shimohama S: Focal cortical dysplasia at the primary somatosensory cortex could manifest both intractable partial epilepsy and cortical reflex myoclonus. Clin Neurology 46: 335-338, 2006 Ueki Y, Mima T, Koth MA, Sawada H, Saiki H, Ikeda A, Begum T, Reza F, Nagamine T, Fukuyama H: Altered plasticity of the human motor cortex in pakinson’s disease. Ann Neurol 59: 60-71, 2006 Yamamoto J, Ikeda A, Kinoshita M, Matsumoto R, Satow T, Takeshita K, Matsuhashi M, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N and Shibasaki H: Low-frequency electric cortical stimulation decreases interictal and ictal activity in human epilepsy. Seizure 15:520-527, 2006 Ohara S, Ikeda A, Matsuhashi M, Satow T, Kunieda T, Mikuni N, Baba K, Mihara T, Miyamoto S, Shibasaki H: Bereitschaftspotentials recorded from the lateral part of the superior frontal gyrus in humans. Neurosci Lett 399: 1-5, 2006 Begum T, Ikeda A, Yoshioka A, Sawada H, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Rapid recovery from coma with multifocal PLEDs in a patient with severe dementia. Intern Med 45:141-144, 2006 Oka Y, Inoue Y, Kanbayashi T, Kuroda K, Miyamoto M, Miyamoto T, Horiuchi F, Ikeda A, Shimizu T, Shibasaki H: Narcolepsy without cataplexy: two subtypes based on CSF hypoicretin-1/ orexin-A findings. Sleep 29:1439-1443, 2006 Mitsueda-Ono T, Ikeda A, Noguchi E, Takaya S, Fukuyama H, Shimohama S, Takahashi R: Epileptic polyopia with right temporal lobe epilepsy as studied by FDG-PET and MRI: a case report. J Neurol Sci 247: 109-111, 2006 Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Ikeda A, Satow T, Taki J, Takahashi J, Ohigashi Y, Hashimoto N: Subtemporal hippocampectomy preserving the basal temporal language area for intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy- preliminary results. Epilepsia 47:1347-53, 2006 Takaya S, Hanakawa T, Hashikawa K, Ikeda A, Sawamoto N, Nagamine T, Ishizu K, Fukuyama H: Prefrontal hypofunction in patients with intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 67:1674-1676, 2006 Iinuma K, Morimoto K, Akiyama T, Ikeda A, Kurimoto M: Proposed diagnostic schema for the classification of epileptic seizures and eipilepsies (ILAE, 2001): proposal from Japan Epilepsy Society. Epilepsia 47: 1588-1591, 2006 Mikuni N, Ikeda A, Takahashi JA Nozaki K, Miyamoto S, taki W, Hashimoto N: A tsep-by-step resection guided by electrocorticography for nonmalignant brain tumors associated with long-term intractable epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 8: 560-564, 2006 |
2005 Begum T, Mima T, Oga T, Hara H, Satow T, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki: Cortical mechanisms of unilateral voluntary motor inhibition in humans. Neurosci Res 53: 428-435, 2005 Ikeda A, Miyamoto S, Tomimoto H, Mikuni N, Fukuyama N, Hashimoto N: Effects of trans-sylvian approach on basal forebrain projection fibers: verbal memory decline in selective amygdalohippocampectomy. Epilepsia 46: 334, 2005 Ikeda A, Kurihara S, Shibasaki H: Possible anticipation in BAFME: examined three generations in a Japanese family. Mov Disord 20: 1076-1077, 2005 Kinoshita M, Ikeda A, Matsuhashi M, Matsumoto R, Hitomi T, Begum T, Usui K, Takayama M, Mikuni N, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N and Shibasaki H: Electric cortical stimulation suppresses epileptic and background activities in neocortical epilepsy and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 116:1291-1299, 2005 Kinoshita K, Ikeda A, Begum T, Yamamoto J, Hitomi T, Shibasaki H: Low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for seizure suppression in patients with extratemporal lobe epilepsy – a pilot study. Seizure 14: 387-392, 2005 Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Hitomi T, Aoki T, Hanakawa T, Miki Y, Tomimoto H, Shimohama S, Shibasaki H: Ictal monoparesis associated with lesions in the primary somatosensory area. Neurology 65: 1476-1478, 2005 Matsumoto R, Kinoshita M, Taki J, Hitomi T, Mikuni N, Shibasaki H, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N, Ikeda A: In vivo epileptogenicity of focal cortical dysplasia: A direct cortical paired stimulation study. Epilepsia 46: 1744-1749, 2005 Matsumoto R, Nair DR, Bingaman W, Ikeda A, Shibasaki H, Lu¨ders HO: Interareal connectivity in the human language system: a cortico-cortical evoked potential study. Brain 127:2316-30, 2004 Mikuni N, Takayama M, Satow T, Yamada S, Hayashi H, Nishida N, Taki J, Enatsu R, Ikeda A, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N: Evaluation of adverse effects in intracarotid propofol injection for Wada test. Neurology 65: 1813-6, 2005 Mikuni N, Ikeda A, Hayase Y, Amano S, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N: Surgical resection of an epileptogenic cortical dysplasia in the deep foot sensorimotor area: a case report. Epilepsy Behav 7: 559-62, 2005 Murase N, Rothwell JC, Kaji R, Urushihara R, Nakamura K, Murayama N, Igasaki T, Sakata-Igasaki M, Mima T, Ikeda A, Shibasaki H: Subthreshold low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the premotor cortex modulates writer’s cramp. Brain 128: 104-115, 2005 Nakamura M, Chen Q, Sugi T, Ikeda A, Shibaasaki H: Technical quality evaluation of EEG recording based on electtroencephalographers’ knowledge. Med Eng Physics 27: 93-100, 2005 Nakaji K, Ikeda A, Oka Y, Tomimoto H, Shimohama S, Kanbayashi T, Shibasaki H: Hypersomnia caused by isolated angitis of the CNS. Intern Med 44: 883-885, 2005 Nishida N, Hayase, Y, Mikuni N, Enatsu R, Hayashi N, Takahashi JA, Nakashima Y, Ikeda A, Amano S, Hashimoto N: A nonspecific form of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor presenting with intractable epilepsy. Brain Tumor Pathol 22: 35-40, 2005 Takaya S, Matsumoto R, Namiki C, Kiyosu H, Isono O, Hashikawa K, Ikeda A, Fukuyama H: Frontal nonconvulsive status epilepticus manifesting somatic hallucinations. J Neurol Sci 234: 25-29, 2005 Usui N, Kotagal P, Matsumoto R, Kellinghaus C, Lu¨ders HO: Focal semiologic and electroencephalographic features in patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsia 46: 1668-1676, 2005 Ueki Y, Mima T, Oga T, Ikeda A, Hitomi T, Fukuyama H, Nagamine T, Shibasaki H: Dominance of ipsilateral coorticospinal pathway in congenital mirror movements. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 76: 276-279, 2005 Usui K, Ikeda A, Takayama M, Matsuhashi M, Satow T, Begum T, Kinoshita M, Miyamoto S, Hashimoto N, Nagamine T, Fukuyama H, Shibasaki H: Processing of Japanese morphogram and syllabogram in the left basal temporal area: electrical cortical stimulation studies. Cog Brain Res 24: 274-283, 2005 |