Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Neurology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine!
Neurology is a medical field where, by tradition, detailed history taking and bedside neurological examination play a major role in diagnosis. From an academic viewpoint, the neurology department should be responsible for cutting edge research in neuroscience to elucidate the pathomechanisms of neurological diseases and the underlying higher brain functions. It is the department’s mission to extend our tradition in neurology and apply state of the art technology and advancements in contemporary neuroscience to enrich and provide world-class care and treatment.
Since it’s foundation in 1980, under the leadership of Professors Masakuni Kameyama, Jun Kimura and Hiroshi Shibasaki, the department has devoted itself to the enrichment of clinical neurology by conducting basic and clinical research derived from “clinical questions” raised in daily clinical activities. Over the last 30 years the department has turned out many talented leaders in neurology subspecialties all over the country.
The 21st century, with its rapidly ageing society and fewer children, has underlined the increasing importance of the role of neurologists for the care and treatment of patients suffering from dementia due to various causes such as Alzheimer’s disease or cerebrovascular diseases. Recent advances in molecular biology have shed light on the mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) giving us the possibility of finding neuroprotective and neuroregenerative cures in the very near future.
While the last century was regarded as the “century of biology” thanks to the discovery of DNA and the explosive biological advancements it made possible, the 21st century could be the “century of medicine” where basic and clinical medicine merge to produce revolutionary treatment. As neurologists living in this century, we would like to devote ourselves to the understanding of neurological disorders and contribute to the future of neurology and achieve world-class care and treatment.
Ryosuke Takahashi M.D., Ph.D.
Chairman and Professor
Department of Neurology
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine

Professor Ryosuke Takahashi
教授 高橋 良輔

